The charity foundation “Chance 4 Life"

Sofia Algash

7 years, Ukraine, Hereditary amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia

"When I first saw Sofia, She was all blue. No one knew why she was like this. They took blood for examination. It showed very low platelets-40 pieces (in units), and a healthy child should have from 180 thousand to 360. We were immediately transferred to pathology for newborns…»

The life and struggle for the life of little Sofia Algash from the town of Yampole, Ukraine began like this. For the first two years of her life, the girl was given antibiotics, hormones, and anti-bleeding medications. Endless hospitalizations, tests, examinations were taken… No one could tell an accurate diagnosis. The indicators improved, but not for long, and ... All repeated again and again.

The family went to different clinics to see professors and infectious diseases specialists. They were all talking about new tests. Sofia made them, but there was no answer…

By the age of two, the platelets had stabilized. What a bless!

For four years, Sofia grew up a healthy, funny, energetic girl. They thought it was all over. But on August 29 last year, the girl's temperature rose up to 39.5. She had stomach ached. They did an ultrasound and found internal bleeding. Made a blood test that showed all indicators fell: white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin…

The girl was diagnosed with aplastic anemia and prescribed to take dry chemotherapy…

But something bothered Sofia’s mother. She took her daughter to Kiev for examination.

There she heard a different diagnosis - hereditary amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia. The diagnosis is CORRECT! They sent girl’s saliva to USA for analysis. And it showed a gene mutation that makes the bone marrow unable to work. Sofia needed an urgent transplantation… And parents needed to find a clinic that can do it. As well as find money…

And so Sofia is here in Israel. The state of Ukraine has allocated $ 154,237 for transplantation.

On July 13, Sofia received a bone marrow transplant from her mother. Compatibility is only 50%, but due to closed borders, this is the best option for Sofia.

The girl's condition is improving. But she needs to be in a closed hospital room under constant medical supervision.

An ordinary family from a small town does not have money. And there is no one to help them. But you can't give up after such a path!

The charity foundation “Chance 4 Life"
(registration number 580617918), has existed in Israel for more than 5 years.
The main mission of the foundation is to support children with onco- and hematological diseases who came from the former CIS countries for treatment.
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