On June 4, Adeline turned 4 years old. All her life the girl is struggling with a malignant chiasmal glioma, which she was diagnosed at 2.5 months.
Seeking for best options, the parents contacted the Israeli clinic Ichilov, which agreed to treat Adeline.
Adeline underwent 50 courses of chemotherapy for a year and a half and the tumor stopped growing.
In April 2020, Adele completed the treatment and returned home, but the tumor began to grow again.
For the past three months, Adeline has been in Israel, where she took the biological drug Tramitinib.
However, the day after her birthday, Adeline lost her appetite, felt drowsiness, headache and a temperature of 34.4 and, pulse of 50. After 8 hours, an emergency operation was performed, as the condition worsened. PET CT showed that the size of the tumor was 7.5 cm, the biological treatment did not work.
Doctors have developed a new treatment protocol, according to which it is necessary to perform a craniotomy (craniotomy and partial removal of the tumor), and then start a year-long course of chemotherapy.
The operation was successful.
The family could pay for emergency operation, but the child needs expensive further treatment her parents can not afford.