The charity foundation “Chance 4 Life"

Dasha Berezhnaya

4 years, Ukraine, Leukemia

The history of the disease began with the fact that Dasha and her parents were on vacation outside the city, when the temperature rose to 38 and higher. There were no signs of infection or inflammation – no runny nose, no cough, no red throat. So from 12 to 14 August, Dasha's mother brought down the temperature with Nurofen and after consulting with a pediatrician on the phone, she was sure that the child simply had a reaction to fresh air and the sun.

On the third day of the illness, Dasha was almost lying down, was very weak and constantly asked to eat. The parents urgently went to the Okhmatdet hospital. There, the girl took a General blood test, and then a more detailed one. With the results, the family was urgently and almost without explanation, sent to the Western Ukrainian specialized children's center, where the parents were given a terrible diagnosis - acute leukemia. On the same day, Dasha was hospitalized.

The child was given a transfusion, as the hemoglobin level fell to 67. Realizing that in Ukraine, the child may not have time to help, parents urgently began collecting money and searching for the best clinic.

On August 19, 2019, Dasha has already arrived in tel Aviv. the Ichilov hospital immediately took all the necessary tests and a brain puncture. After a complete diagnosis, the doctors selected the optimal Protocol, which Dasha successfully passes.

Hobbies: likes to play with dolls, coloring books. She draws beautifully and makes applications. My favorite cartoon is "Luntik".

The reason for treatment abroad: the lack of qualified specialists in Ukraine, the need for urgent assistance from experienced doctors and the use of the most modern medicines for the treatment of acute leukemia.

The charity foundation “Chance 4 Life"
(registration number 580617918), has existed in Israel for more than 5 years.
The main mission of the foundation is to support children with onco- and hematological diseases who came from the former CIS countries for treatment.
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